Godhand Teru author searches for talents to post new chapters

Author Kazuki Yamamoto announced that he is recruiting assistants through the Ganmo recruiting service to complete four new chapters of the Godhand Teru manga to be published in Kodansha Publishing Weekly Shonen Magazine.

The stage work for these new chapters is scheduled to take place between the beginning of May and the beginning of June, and the final work will be carried out between May 15 and mid-June. Yamamoto is hiring multiple digital assistants for each task.

The author launched a self-financing campaign through Campfire in November 2018 to fund “a new era manga” based on the mentioned manga. Yamamoto stated that this new project would have the same "shape" as Godhand Teru but that they would not be related.

The project aimed to raise 4 million yen (approximately $ 37,556). However, the campaign did not reach its goal by raising 2,821,500 yen (about $ 26,491), which represented only 70% of the goal. Yamamoto had planned to launch the manga on Kodansha's Magazine Pocket website in the spring or summer of 2019, but since it did not reach the expected collection, the project was delayed.

For its part, the original manga Godhand Teru was published in the pages of Kodansha publisher Weekly Shonen Magazine between 2001 and 2011. The publisher compiled the work in a total of 62 volumes and it inspired a live-action series for television. released in 2009.

Source: Ganmo

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