The company Wit Studio, recognized for animation projects such as Shingeki no Kyojin and the currently broadcast Great Pretender, is expanding its horizons to the production of live-action films. Its primary company, IG Port, announced the production of a live-action film titled Tokyo Butterfly, which will be released in Japan on September 11 in advance.
Tokyo Butterfly is the first film to be directed by Keitarou Sakon. Sakon graduated from Japan University of the Arts and attracted the attention of the production companies for his excellent graduation project, a short film titled "Kazoku no Fuukei".
Furthermore, this will be the fourth live-action film produced by Wit Studio, after the movie Shigatsu no Nagai Yume released in 2018, Watashi wa Hikari wo Nigitteiru in 2019, and Shizuka na Ame released in February this year. The Tokyo New Cinema company co-produced all of these films, while Wit Studio only handled pre-production.
Synopsis of Tokyo Butterfly
The film follows the life of a four-member college band, six years after they broke up just before their debut with a record company. The film features composer and lyricist Kamin Shirahata, Atomu Mizuishi, Ryuuju Kobayashi, and Hisao Kurozumi as actors.
Source: Animation Business Journal
© 2020 WIT STUDIO / Tokyo New Cinema
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