Banks finally forgive industry H



In a recent political move, Taro Yamada, a member of the House of Representatives in Japan, came to the defense of the adult content industry in Japan, which has been facing increasing pressure from interbank companies such as VISA and MasterCard . These companies have been withdrawing their banking services from distribution sites for this type of content, putting a significant portion of the industry's financial transactions at risk.

All rights reserved. Copyright(c), House of Councillors, The National Diet of Japan

The problem is serious, since VISA and MasterCard operate the vast majority of bank cards globally , and the loss of these services means a considerable reduction in the sites' ability to carry out transactions, which in turn directly affects their income. Taro Yamada decided to take matters into his own hands and traveled to the VISA offices in San Francisco, United States, where he presented a detailed report on the situation:

  • VISA本社(米国、サンフランシスコ)
  • Visit: Visa Inc. Headquarters (San Francisco, California).
  • Background:
  • Although the content is legal in Japan, cases of credit card payments being declined due to the nature of the content have been reported. The situation in the United States, where VISA is based, was investigated to understand the international brand directive that prohibits the use of certain terms in specific content.
  • In a world where cashless payments are booming, credit cards, which are the most used payment platform and a crucial infrastructure, must be reviewed in terms of their handling. An exchange of opinions was held with VISA regarding this.
  • Results:
  • VISA values ​​integrity.
  • Integrity risks to VISA fall into three categories: harm to the safety and well-being of people, harm to consumers through the exploitation of their economic advantage, and compliance with VISA regulations.
  • Although VISA makes legal judgments about the legality of transactions, it does not make value judgments about the legal content. For example, although in the United States the debate over firearms is controversial, VISA does not make value judgments on this issue.
  • Regarding adult content, VISA establishes common global standards: that age rules are respected and that content is offered with consent. It does not set or judge standards on the content itself.
  • VISA headquarters do not issue specific instructions on terms or keywords that should be prohibited.

The response from the industry was immediate. Sites like Getchu , known for distributing adult content and other sensitive materials, have started accepting VISA bank card payments again. In addition, it is rumored that DLsite , another important distributor, could follow the same path and recover payments with VISA cards.

All rights reserved. Copyright(c), House of Councillors, The National Diet of Japan

This development is a respite for the adult content industry in Japan, which had suffered a strong blow in recent months due to the decisions of banking operators, who "apparently do not want to be involved with adult content." Taro Yamada's intervention could mark a turning point in the relationship between these payment platforms and the industry, and will definitely give him quite a few popularity points with the population that consumes this content.

  • « Oh, so they have resumed VISA payments .»
  • « “The fact that they were able to resume them means that there was no valid reason on VISA's part to stop the transactions ».
  • « Does this mean that because Diet member Taro Yamada went to the VISA offices and got the statement that 'they do not regulate keywords in specific content', it was revealed that someone in the middle was acting intentionally... ? It seems that some places have resumed VISA payments, so perhaps this means they will gradually do this in more places .
  • « They say that VISA will resume payments. It was definitely an impulsive move on the part of the Japanese subsidiary .
  • « It seems that Getchu resumed payments with VISA cards. Could it be that Taro Yamada's intervention at headquarters had an effect? It would be great if other sites that stopped payments would also resume them soon . »
  • « It is incredible that they have managed to resume payments with VISA ».
  • « Did I rush to get a JCB card for nothing...? Well, maybe some sites like DLsite are still cautious and don't resume VISA transactions, so maybe it's not a waste to have it .
  • « Has DLsite resumed VISA payments? Could it be that Yamada's intervention made the middlemen angry and this caused some reaction? ».
  • « Regarding the resumption of transactions with VISA, shouldn't they thoroughly investigate the real cause even if they don't make it public? ».
  • « Even if VISA now decides to resume payments, it is already too late. I already changed everything to JCB ».

Source: HachimaKikou

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