A classic will be back with Anne Shirley


On the official site for the ew anime adaptation of Lucy Maud Montgomery 's novels , " Anne of Green Gables ( Ana la de Tejas Verdes )", titled as " Anne Shirley ", a new promotional video for the project was revealed. The video confirms that the premiere is scheduled for next April 5th in Japan, and lists that the first three volumes of the novel series will be adapted into a total of twenty-four episodes. In addition, it shows a fragment of the opening theme titled " Yokan " and performed by Tota , who commented on her participation:

  • « I was inspired by the way Anne, despite facing various difficulties, always finds a positive way to see things. I feel that Anne's presence can be a support for those who need to get up after falling. I have a feeling that this song can also play that role, and that would make me very happy .»

The first animated adaptation of " Anne of Green Gables " came to Japan in 1979, directed by Isao Takahata , one of the founders of Studio Ghibli . The team included Hayao Miyazaki , who worked on designs and layouts for the first 15 episodes, and Yoshifumi Kondo , who was responsible for character designs and animation supervision.

This original version became a benchmark of Japanese animation and has been re-released in various formats, including a compilation film supervised by Takahata and released in 2010 under the Mitaka no Mori Ghibli Museum Library label. In addition, in 2009 the prequel " Before Green Gables " was released , produced by Nippon Animation.


Synopsis of Anne Shirley

Life is not easy for Anne Shirley, an 11-year-old orphan with a big imagination and a bad temper. In a twist of fate, she is taken in by the Cuthbert household in Avonlea. The elderly occupants, Marilla and Matthew Cuthbert, were looking for a boy to help them in the fields, but they get quite a scare when they realise that Anne is a girl.

Adapted from the acclaimed classic by LM Montgomery, Akage no Anne portrays Ana's upbringing from the age of 11 to 17 and her encounters and separations with various people. Only time will tell what important decision Ana will have to make that will change her life forever.

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