Yu-Gi-Oh! Anime: Sevens will have a comedy spin-off manga

In this year's 35th issue of Shueisha Publishing Weekly Shonen Jump magazine, it was announced that the Yu-Gi-Oh !: Sevens anime, the new series in the Yu-Gi-Oh! Franchise, will have a new manga. It will be published in the Saikyou Jump magazine from the same publisher, starting from the ninth edition of this year, on August 4.

The manga will be titled Yu-Gi-Oh !: Sevens: Boku no Road Gakuen, will be written and illustrated by Megumi Sasaki and will consist of a comedy-focused spin-off story.

For its part, the anime premiered on the TV channel Tokyo on April 4 and on BS TV Tokyo on April 10. This new series commemorates the 20th anniversary of the anime franchise. However, due to production problems, the broadcast of the tenth episode, which was scheduled for July 18, was delayed until August 8.

Source: Weekly Shonen Jump issue 35

(C) ス タ ジ オ ・ ダ イ ス / 集 英 社 ・ テ レ ビ 東京 ・ KONAMI

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