It was a highly desired accessory by fans and as a result of this thousands of replicas have been made by various toy manufacturers. However, they were always solid items (with no moving parts) that were not actually a faithful replica then.
That is why several fans have ventured to make their own Millennium Puzzles, with several failures recorded to date. However, as expected, a Japanese user named Sho Tozuka posted a video on Niconico Douga on August 15, revealing that he has created the best replica of this article ever seen on the internet.
Tozuka started with a digital model of the assembled pyramid. In fact, the manga never gives the description of how the puzzle goes, so he started by carving out the key piece of the eye and the corners.
Making a puzzle from scratch isn't easy at all, but Tozuka deftly cut the entire figure into small cubes first, then built the puzzle using additions rather than subtractions, using the manga as a guide. This stage took more than a month to accomplish.
In the end 39 interlocking pieces were created and 3D printed to reality. This side by side of the manga shows how faithful it is to the original design.
This was barely half the job as it still needs to be assembled. The video shows Tozuka putting together the Millennium Puzzle in the same way as in the original story, starting with the square face.
That alone is enough to make any fan spend any amount of money to acquire this item, however, as an added bonus, there are also pieces that stick out later in the construction of the puzzle, just like in the original manga.
Finally, in the video, Tozuka even gives the puzzle a shake to prove that it is real and durable. As expected, viewers praised the user's work, with comments such as:
- "This is a tremendous job."
- "Man, it even has the parts that slide in."
- "I'd love to wear that while playing Duel Monsters."
- "I want that!".
- "I would trade all my cards just for that."
- "Yu-Gi-Oh! Aside, it's still a great puzzle."
Hopefully, this last comment is reassuring for Tozuka, since he obviously cannot sell this item as he is licensed. However, in the final minutes of the video, he shows that he is recreating a variation of the puzzle, without the clear references to the Yu-Gi-Oh! Series that he intends to sell.
Source: SoraNews24
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