The official site for the new original anime by Ichigo Animation and director Mamoru Oshii, Vlad Love, revealed the "Mai Version" of the project's opening sequence. The video features the main theme song performed by Lovebites and titled "Winds of Transylvania".
The original anime Vlad Love reveals one of his opening sequences
The first episode will have a "special version" that will premiere through the project's YouTube channel on December 18th. On the other hand, the series was scheduled to premiere this fall, however, it was postponed due to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on production.
Synopsis of Vlad Love
Mitsugu Bamba is a high school student who appreciates helping others through blood donation. She frequently visits the blood bank for this purpose, even though the nurse has a lousy temper. One day, she meets a beautiful girl, who looks like a foreigner, at the blood bank.
The pale girl looks like she's about to faint, but then she begins to destroy the facility. Shortly after, she loses consciousness and Mitsugu takes her home...
Source: Vladlove anime's YouTube channel
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