The animated franchise production of Gotoubun no Hanayome ( The Quintessential Quintuplets ) released a special music video commemorating the conclusion of the franchise. The video condenses the most important scenes of the two seasons of the anime and the film, and confirms again that the Blu-ray/DVD version of the film will be released on December 21 in Japan.
On the other hand, Negi Haruba published the manga in Kodansha's Weekly Shonen Magazine between August 2017 and February 2020, with a total of fourteen compilation volumes. The work inspired two anime seasons and a movie that ended the story. The play inspired a twelve-episode anime adaptation produced by Tezuka Productions and released in Winter-2019 (January-March), followed by a second season in Winter-2021 (January-March) and a film in May 2022, both produced by Bibury Animation Studios .
Sinopsis de Gotoubun no Hanayome
Fuutarou Uesugi is an excellent high school student, but he leads a difficult life. His aloof personality and lonely nature have left him friendless, and his father is in debt, forcing his family to struggle to survive. One day during lunch break, Uesugi argues with a transfer student who has claimed "her seat" from her, causing them both to dislike each other. That same day, he is presented with a golden opportunity to pay off his family's debt: a private tutoring job for the daughter of a wealthy family, with a salary five times the market price. He accepts the proposal, but is horrified to discover that the client, Itsuki Nakano, is the girl he's confronted earlier!
After unsuccessfully trying to get Itsuki's approval, Uesugi discovers that his problems don't end there: Itsuki is actually a quintuplet, so in addition to her, he must also be tutor to her sisters: Miku, Yotsuba, Nino, and Ichika. “That, despite the very real threat of failing, they want nothing to do with a tutor. However, his family's livelihood is at stake, so Uesugi goes ahead, steadfast in his determination to rid the sisters of their hatred for studying and lead them successfully to graduation.
Source: Oricon News
(c) Negi Haruba/Kodansha/Movie "The Quintessential Quintuplets" Production Committee