After the broadcast of the final episode, the production of a second season was announced for the anime adaptation of the light novels written by Hiru Kuma and illustrated by Itsuwa Katou , Reborn as a Vending Machine, Now I Wander the Dungeon ( Jidou Hanbaiki ni Umarekawatta Ore wa Meikyuu wo Samayou ). Details will be announced soon, but the statement included a promotional visual to celebrate the announcement, made by animation director Naoki Yamauchi.
The first season premiered during the Summer-2023 season (July-September) and had a total of twelve episodes. For their part, Hiru Kuma and Itsuwa Katou began publishing the light novels in August 2016 through the Kadokawa publishing house , while a manga adaptation by Kunieda has been published through the Monthly Comic Dengeki Daioh magazine since August 2021.
Synopsis of Reborn as a Vending Machine
A vending machine fan meets his death when he is ironically crushed by a vending machine. Much to his misfortune, he is reincarnated into a vending machine in another world. After resurfacing in a forest inhabited by frogmen and other monsters, and with only two products, the Boxxo vending machine needs coins to stay supplied, fueled, and upgraded with new abilities.
Luckily, the automaton is rescued by a young woman who quickly realizes that it is sentient and takes it to a human settlement. From then on, the strange piece of machinery makes a place for itself in the world around it, gaining numerous allies along the way despite being totally incapable of speaking or moving and communicating only by playing pre-recorded phrases from the Vending machine.
Fuente: Comic Natalie
(c)Hiruguma/KADOKAWA/“I was reborn as a vending machine and wandered through a labyrinth” Production Committee