The play inspired an anime adaptation released in January 2019 and directed by Shouta Ihata at Diomedea Studios. Minami performed the opening track titled "Kawaki wo Ameku".
Natsuo Fujii is in love with his teacher, Hina. Trying to forget his feelings for her, Natsuo goes on a blind date with his classmates, where he meets a rare girl named Rui Tachibana. In a strange turn of events, Rui asks Natsuo to run away with her and do her a favor. To her surprise, her destination is Rui's house, and her request is that he have sex with her. There is no love behind the act; she just wants to learn from experience. Thinking that it might help him forget about Hina, Natsuo agrees.
After this unusual encounter, Natsuo now faces a new problem. With his father remarrying, he ends up with a new pair of stepsisters; unfortunately he knows these two girls very well. He soon discovers that his new sisters are none other than Hina and Rui. Now he lives with the teacher he loves and the girl he had his "first time with," Natsuo finds himself in an unexpected love triangle as he gets closer and closer to adulthood.
Source: Weekly Shōnen Magazine issue 19
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