Japan finally lifts the state of national emergency

Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe announced that the Japanese government has decided to lift the state of emergency due to the new coronavirus disease pandemic (COVID-19) in the remaining five prefectures. This means that the entire country has emerged from the state of emergency.

The declaration was made six days before the previously established state of emergency period ended. However, Abe clarified that various safety regulations will remain because the disease has not been eradicated.

The remaining five prefectures were Tokyo, Chiba, Saitama, Kanagawa and Hokkaido. Abe, Secretary Yoshihide Suga, Health Minister Katsunobu Kato, and Finance Minister Yasutoshi Nishimura met yesterday and concluded that the infection rate had decreased in these prefectures. Abe then met with a panel of experts before making the official announcement.

Last week, the Japanese government established an action plan for the revival of the economy in three phases. In the first phase, after the declaration is lifted, museums, sports facilities, schools and other similar establishments may reopen their doors, but will not be able to admit clients or visitors until the second phase. The government asked the bars and restaurants to close before 20:00 during the state of emergency declaration, but once it is withdrawn they will be able to close before 22:00.

After the government determines that conditions are safe, cinemas and theaters, driving schools, meeting and exhibition halls, stores and other non-essential establishments may reopen their doors in the second phase. Subsequently, game rooms, amusement parks, cafeterias, shooting ranges, betting rooms and other similar facilities may reopen in the third phase. In addition, the government indicated that the bars and restaurants may remain open until 00:00 during the third phase.

Regarding events, attendees will be limited to 50 in the first phase, 100 in the second phase and 1,000 in the third phase. The government specifically requested restaurants with entertainment (such as clubs), karaokes, gyms, and similar facilities where the risk of contagion is high, to remain closed in any of the three phases.

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