The show premiered on April 10 and airs on TV Tokyo, TV Hokkaido, TV Aichi, TV Osaka, TV Setouchi, and TVQ Broadcasting Kyushu. Rock band Sambomaster provided an original theme song for the series, and BiSH performs the original ending theme song "Buchi Nuke."
Rutou Touichirou (Ossan’s Love franchise) directs the series, with scripts by Makoto Ueda (Yojouhan Shinwa Taikei, Yoru wa Mijikashi Arukeyo Otome, Penguin Highway). Erika Fujita and Akiko Kamiyama are credited as producers, while Shinji Abe is credited as lead producer.
Hamaoka released the original manga, Urayasu Tekkin Kazoku, in Weekly Shonen Champion magazine in 1993. The 31-volume manga generated three sequels. Goose! Urayasu Tekkin Kazoku with 28 volumes, was developed between 2002 and 2010, and Maido! Urayasu Tekkin Kazoku started in 2010 and ended in March 2018 with 24 volumes. The recent serialization Appare! Urayasu Tekkin Kazoku was launched in March 2018 and currently has
The original manga was adapted into the anime and ended with 33 episodes in 1998. Akitarou Daichi (Fruits Basket, Kodomo no Omocha; Ima, Soko, or Iru Boku) directed the anime at Studio DEEN. The 2010 sequel, Maido !, also features a 2014 animated adaptation, and Daichi again directed the series.
Join the crazy adventures of the Osawagi family. Little Kotetsu, arguably the most energetic boy in the city of Urayasu, is always having mischief with his band of quirky friends.
(c) 浜 岡 賢 次 (秋田 書店) 1993 ・ (c) 「浦 安 鉄 筋 家族」 製作 委員会