Mobile Suit Gundam postpones the opening of its new attraction

Although things have started to return to normal in Japan, the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic will still last for a while, even during the summer. Mount Fuji is currently off-limits to the public and the cancellation of a new event for the Mobile Suit Gundam franchise was recently announced .

Right now, there is a statue of the original RX-78 Gundam that is 18 meters tall, and is under construction in the city of Yokohama, an hour and a half walk from Tokyo. But the main attraction is not only the huge statue, but a feature that makes it different from the one that already exists in Tokyo, and that is that this statue will be able to move.
Now, the event that was scheduled for the month of July and was canceled due to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic had planned to pilot test the movement of the Gundam with the presence of the public, prior to the final revelation scheduled for fall.

Gundam Factory project announced that they made this decision putting the safety of the attendees first and in order to prevent a new outbreak of the disease among them or among the staff of workers, but did not specify if the construction was affected by this. In addition, the opening of this attraction, which, as mentioned, was scheduled for October, has been postponed indefinitely.
“We deeply apologize to those who were excited about the opening of this attraction, and ask for your understanding. We will continue the preparations so that we can carry out this event in a safe way, so please do not stop waiting for it ”, stated the company.

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