Tiger Mask donates 55 masks to a town in Japan

Naoto Date, or also known by its pseudonym "Tiger Mask" in the manga series of the same name, is the name that some charitable souls often take when they make an anonymous donation to a noble cause.

For example, in 2019, the news revealed the donation of a backpack full of supplements, donated by “Naoto Date” to an orphanage in Muroran, Hokkaio. Inside also included a letter apologizing for not being able to donate more, since his economy only allows him to deliver one of these backpacks per year.

Although many people have taken the name of Tiger Mask in the past, these anonymous donations have been around for quite a few years in Japan. In the end, Tiger Mas is the name anyone can take who is willing to do a good deed for society.

A recent example occurred in a small town in the Chiba Prefecture, specifically in the town of Tako. The prefecture currently ranks sixth in positive COVID-19 cases across Japan, and the small town of Tako, for a change, has just been hit by a typhoon, leaving a large amount of damage and disrupting power supply networks and of drinking water in the area.

Then, Tiger Mask appeared leaving a package in the Tako municipal office with a total of 55 handmade face masks and instructions that said: "Please, give these to the staff and don't look for me." These masks were made in two sizes and colors, and one even had the emblem of the town engraved on it.

The message was signed under the name "Tiger Masko", using the kanji for "ko" (子), which means "boy" and which is sometimes used at the end of female names such as Michiko or Aiko. This is because, on this occasion, the donor was not a person but a group of four unidentified seamstresses.

The mayor of the town, Tadashi Takahashi commented in an interview to Chiba TV: “I was worried at first since there was no sender in sight on the package, but when we opened it we were very surprised. Our team really needed them. "

Some were concerned about whether it was safe to accept such a donation from an anonymous sender. But since the masks that the Japanese government has delivered have been of poor quality, no one hesitated to use the ones delivered by Tiger Mask, after all, it has become a name that people can trust.

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