On the official Twitter account for the anime adaptation of the manga written and illustrated by Atsushi Ohkubo, Enen no Shouboutai (aka Fire Force), two new cast members were revealed for the project's second season. The added members were revealed in a new promotional video and include:
- Kentaro Ito as Mole Scop.
- Sho Hayami as the raven Yata.
The series has its premiere scheduled for next July. For his part, Ohkubo has published the manga in Kodansha's Weekly Shonen Magazine since September 2015. The publisher published the twenty-third compilation volume on May 15. The play inspired a 24-episode anime adaptation produced by David Production Studios, released in July 2019.
Synopsis of Fire Force
Terror has paralyzed the inhabitants of Tokyo after a phenomenon known as "spontaneous combustion" began to turn its inhabitants into a kind of fiery demons called hellish. Despite this, some people are able to handle flames and maintain their human form, thus giving them special abilities that divide them into first, second, and third generation pyrokinetics.
Within this chaos, our protagonist Shinra Kusakabe, a third-generation pyrokinetic, joins the Eighth Company of the Fire Force Special Unit, which seeks to discover the truth behind the phenomenon of human combustion.
Source: Comic Natalie
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