In the official Twitter account for the anime adaptation of the manga written and illustrated by Daisuke Hiyama, Peter Grill to Kenja no Jikan, it was announced that the series will have a third version titled "Super Philosopher", but did not describe what it consists of. So far the series has confirmed a total of three versions, which it has described as follows:
- Normal version: "Acceptable for television".
- "Great Philosopher" version: "Maybe it's fine streaming."
- "Super Philopher" version: "Not recommended".
TOKYO MX 7/10(金)25:35~— ピーター・グリルと賢者の時間・アニメ公式 (@petergrillanime) June 19, 2020
dアニメストア(WEB最速配信)7/10(金)25:35~ ※通常ver.
こんな感じです!賢者タイムアニメ #アニメ #petergrill #anime
On the other hand, the series will premiere on July 10 through different television networks in Japan and streaming platforms, with fifteen-minute episodes. Hiyama began publishing the manga in Futabasha publisher Manga Action magazine in July 2017. The publisher published the fifth compilation volume on January 10.
Source: Official Twitter Account
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