The above is the premise of the first animated series that was produced from the Digimon multimedia franchise, titled Digimon Adventure and released in Japan on March 7, 1999. The production was carried out by Toei Animation studios and from this series a infinity of derivative projects between manga, video games, applications for smartphones, movies, among others.
The Digimon Adventure (2020) series is currently in broadcast, a reboot of the original series that is presenting a new story overseen by the production team. The series is being re-produced by Toei Animation Studios and its length was confirmed with a total of 66 episodes.
As part of this commemoration, the launch of a new “Digimon Adventure Digivice” was announced, which is the “definitive version” of this product and an updated version of the one launched for the 15th anniversary of the franchise in 2015. The product will have priced at 10,175 yen (approximately $ 98) and is available for reservation on the official website of the Premium Bandai dealer (link) in the period from August 1 to September 13, to be delivered in January 2021.
© 本 郷 あ き よ し ・ 東 映 ア ニ メ ー シ ョ ン【本日予約開始】— デジモンウェブ公式 (@digimonweb_net) August 1, 2020
「デジヴァイス Ver.Complete」の予約受付は本日8月1日 11時よりスタート!
2015年に発売された「デジヴァイス Ver.15th」からステージが追加!
太一や仲間たちの冒険の歴史が全て収録されたデジヴァイスです。デジヴァイス#デジモン #Digimon