Kyoto Animation Studios announced that they will suspend the "Kyoto Animation Awards" for the time being. The studio had already canceled the eleventh edition in November 2019, after the attack on the first studio building that killed 36 employees in July of that year. Since then, meetings have been held to discuss a resumption date for the event and for the moment it was decided to keep it suspended.
The study added that, as a result, they will not receive projects for competition, which includes manuscripts, ideas or any other material submitted to the study. They emphasized that they will not be responsible for examining, evaluating or adopting said proposals, and that all packages sent will be discarded immediately.
Kyoto Animation first announced this awards program in 2009 and offered the sum of 300,000 yen (about $ 3,600 at the time) for the top spots and 100,000 yen for honorable mentions in the novel, manga, and stage (screenplay) categories. ). The award included the “Animation DO Special Award in 2015. In addition, in its first edition, the rules indicated that the winning projects would have the possibility of being adapted to anime by the studios, however, from the second edition this clause Was eliminated.
The only project that has won the “Grand Prize” in this series of events has been the novel Violet Evergarden in 2014. This work was adapted into anime in January 2018, and was subsequently published in OVA in April of the same year. Two animated films have been released since then, a spin-off released in September 2019 and a new film that will be released on September 18.
Other works that have inspired anime adaptations and that have participated in this award include Free !, Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai !, Kyoukai no Kanata and Musaigen no Phantom World. Finally, the KA Esuma Bunko publishing house announced in 2018 the production of an animated adaptation of the novel written by Yuuki, Nijuuseiki Denki Mokuroku.
Source: Kyoto Animation
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