On the official Twitter account for the original animation project Shirobako, it was announced that the animated film Shirobako Movie will have a remastering that will be screened in theaters in Japan starting on August 28.
The feature film originally premiered in Japan on February 29 and is a direct continuation of the story presented in the anime, which was released in October 2014, with 24 episodes.🎉8/28(金)から劇場版「SHIROBAKO」の再上映が決定🎉— SHIROBAKO 公式🎥2/29劇場版公開🍩 (@shirobako_anime) August 19, 2020
URL:https://t.co/a7Ee3Ir1MB#musani pic.twitter.com/yChIvILpvT
Source: Official Twitter Account
(c) 2020 劇場版 「SHIROBAKO」 製作 委員会