On the official Twitter account for the anime adaptation of the manga written and illustrated by Ryouma KITA, Dokyuu Hentai HxEros, it was announced that the series will be publishing the uncensored episodes for free but for a limited time (usually just three hours).
The first episode was available on September 12 between 9:00 PM and 12:00 PM (Japan Standard Time), and the site where it was broadcast is no longer accessible due to expiration of the time. However, the account gave indications that these episodes will continue to be broadcast without censorship in the future.【⚡限定上映会決定⚡】— TVアニメ「ド級編隊エグゼロス」公式 (@hxeros_anime) September 10, 2020
「ド級編隊 #エグゼロス」BD&DVDに収録されるあらゆるキセイに打ち勝ったHネルギー限界突破verの限定無料視聴が決定🔥🔥🔥
☑9月12日(土) 21時~24時の3時間限定公開
特設ページはこちらから▼https://t.co/r5iqQOPhgu pic.twitter.com/vXdsTmmm8p
For its part, the series premiered in Japan on July 3. KITA has been publishing the manga in Shueisha's Jump SQ magazine since 2017, and the publisher published the ninth compiled volume on March 9.
Source: Official Twitter Account
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