Kyoto Animation studios take over Animation DO studio

In today's issue of the Japan National Printing Office's publication, it was reported that Kyoto Animation studios have absorbed its affiliate studio, Animation DO, based in Osaka, also absorbing all rights and intellectual property associated with the now defunct company.

Animation DO studios were originally established in 2000 as a Kyoto Animation studio in Osaka, and became its own corporation under the name Animation DO in December 2010. This studio is perhaps best known for its I work on the Free! animated franchise, but its staff have also participated in virtually every Kyoto Animation project since its founding.

The report added that Kyoto Animation had a total loss of 21.34 million yen (approximately $ 202,000) in the fiscal year ending March 31, while Animation DO had a loss of 6.63 million yen (approximately $ 62,900). in the same period.

The monetary losses were already contemplated given that on July 18, 2019, a devastating fire broke out in the first building of the studios. A total of 70 people were inside the facility at the time, and the fire killed 36 people and injured 33 others, in addition to a 40-year-old man who was walking in the area and who suffered injuries from smoke inhalation. .

The Kyoto Prefectural Police Department detained the 41-year-old suspect who allegedly used gasoline to start the fire, and the case is still being investigated as arson. The man allegedly bought 40 liters of gasoline in two cans and used a car to transport it to the scene. The police made his formal arrest on May 27, 10 months after the events, because he had to receive medical attention after being injured during the fire.

Source: Kanpō via Social Game Infoultimatemegax

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