A leak revealed that the animated adaptation of the spin-off manga written by Shigemitsu Harada and illustrated by Issei Hatsuyoshiya, Hataraku Saibou Black (Cells at Work! Code Black), will have a total of thirteen episodes. This information would be confirmed once the distribution information of the compiled volumes of this project is revealed.
"Hataraku Saibou Black (Cells at Work! Code Black)" - OP "Hashire! with Seiya Yamasaki (Kyusonekokami)" by Hiroyuki Hayashi (Polysics). pic.twitter.com/qHVUe5Rn7E
— Nihon FM (@nihonfm_) January 8, 2021
(c) 原田 重 光 ・ 初 嘉 屋 一生 ・ 清水 茜 / 講 談 社 ・ CODE BLACK PROJECT