Different Twitter accounts shared the opening and closing animated sequences of the Log Horizon: Entaku Houkai (Log Horizon: Destruction of the Round Table) anime, the third season of the animated adaptation of the Log Horizon light novels. The opening sequence features the theme "Different" performed by the band BAND-MAID.
Opening animated sequence of the anime "Log Horizon: Entaku Houkai" (third season), with the theme "Different" performed by the group BAND-MAID. pic.twitter.com/Std7uZzXTA
— 🏴☠️☢☣Nuit Etoile News🌏💞👁👹 (@Leetoile3000) January 13, 2021
The closing sequence features the song "Blue Horizon" performed by singer Miyu Ooshiro.
Animated closing sequence of the anime "Log Horizon: Entaku Houkai" (third season), with the theme "Blue Horizon" performed by Miyu Ooshiro. pic.twitter.com/vbU5WsFHIY
— 🏴☠️☢☣Nuit Etoile News🌏💞👁👹 (@Leetoile3000) January 13, 2021
The series has been on air in Japan since January 13th and is confirmed with a total of twelve episodes. In fact, the premiere was scheduled for October 2020, but this was postponed due to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on production. The first season of the anime premiered in October 2013 and was produced by Satelight Studios, while the second season premiered in October 2014 and was produced by Studio Deen.
Synopsis of Log Horizon: Entaku Houkai
Five years later, a new season arrives! One year after the adventurers were transported to the "Elder Tale" game world, Akiba's prosperity begins to be threatened by the appearance of a new monster called "Genius", a power struggle between the aristocrats of East and West, and a growing power gap between the adventurers themselves. Finally, the Round Table, the symbol of their unity, will face these problems.