This weekend the ninth episode of the anime adaptation of the manga Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead was broadcast , and with this the production has gone into an indefinite suspension until the production reveals more information about the broadcast of the last three episodes
To understand what is happening, we must remember that Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead premiered on July 9 and is confirmed to have a total of twelve episodes, so the final episode should have aired on September 24 . Unfortunately, the production has been plagued by production problems within BUG FILMS studios (supposedly disguised as “scheduling issues”), so the schedule became a complete disaster.
As a result, the series still has three episodes left to air, but will no longer have a broadcast block available next week. This is because next week the Fall-2023 season (October-December) will officially begin , and if any production lends its block for Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead to broadcast its last three episodes, a domino effect will be generated. where this new series will again need another three extra weeks.
Thus, the production needs to find a way to broadcast the last three episodes in a way that does not interfere with the new broadcast season that will begin next week. Because there is a contract to fulfill with the broadcaster(s), the episodes must appear on television at some point (they cannot simply be released and published directly on streaming platforms), so it is possible that the episodes will be delayed until the end of season (perhaps in December 2023) or a special is prepared where all three are broadcast on the same day. We just have to wait for more information .
The series has been broadcast since July 9 in Japan and is confirmed with a total of twelve episodes, while the services Crunchyroll , Hulu and Netflix are responsible for its distribution in the West. For their part, Haro Aso and Kotaro Takata began publishing the manga through the Sunday GX magazine from the Shogakukan publisher in October 2018.
Sinopsis of Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead
In a trash-filled apartment, 24-year-old Akira Tendou watches a zombie movie with lifeless, envious eyes. After spending three hard years in an exploitative company in Japan, his spirit is broken. He doesn't even have the courage to confess his feelings to Ohtori, his beautiful co-worker. Then, one morning, he bumps into his landlord at lunch—who turns out to be another tenant! The entire city is overrun with zombies, and even though he's running for his life, Akira has never felt so alive.
Source: Official Twitter Account
(c) Haro Aso, Kotaro Takada, Shogakukan/“Zon 100” Production Committee