A curious book teaches you how to draw pantsu



In surprising news from Japan, a rather peculiar reference book is causing a stir by taking first place on the bestseller list design from Amazon Japan. This is “Pantsu no Kakikata” (How to Draw Underwear) , a work released by the Japanese publisher Ichijinsha under its Post Media label.


Although the title literally translates as “How to Draw Underwear“, the content focuses exclusively on women's underwear, so that a more appropriate translation in Spanish would be “How to Draw Panties“. Despite the somewhat spicy nature of the subject, the book appears to be a legitimate effort to provide a valuable resource for artists.

The book is recommended for various audiences, from illustrators seeking to improve the representation of the underwear of the female characters they draw, to readers interested in expanding their knowledge about this type of clothing. Even for those who just want to “see some pantsu”. Despite its unusual approach, “How to Draw Pantsu” covers a wide variety of underwear designs, offering tips for drawing them from different angles and poses.


In addition to providing examples of underwear designs, the book includes suggestions for drawing low lingerie from various perspectives, as well as discussions on how to draw a bottom view with a glimpse of underwear. This very peculiar work was launched with the intention of “increasing the number of wonderful underwear illustrations and sleeves in the world.”

Although the topic may arouse curiosity and laughter, “How to Draw Pantsu” appears to be a genuine initiative to provide valuable resources to artists interested in honing their representation skills. The book, which has generated a mix of wonder and amusement in the community, highlights how creativity and originality can manifest in the most unexpected ways in the Japanese publishing world.

Sauce: Otakomu

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