Anime to get over a breakup



Members of a popular comment forum on Reddit have immersed themselves in an exciting debate about a topic that resonates with many hearts: anime recommendations for getting over a breakup . In a thread that has captured the community's attention, users have shared their suggestions and personal experiences on how anime can be a comforting refuge in difficult times.


The breakup of a relationship can be a heartbreaking and emotionally challenging time for many people, and anime fans have turned to their passion for the medium as a way to find solace and distraction. From heartwarming stories and captivating romances to epic adventures and heartwarming comedies, the world of anime offers a wide variety of options for those looking to escape the pain of a breakup.

In the Reddit thread, users have shared their personal anime recommendations that they have found helpful during times of grief and emotional distress. Some have highlighted series that offer messages of hope and improvement, while others have suggested anime that provide a healthy dose of light entertainment and humor to lift your spirits.

In addition to sharing recommendations, forum members have also taken the opportunity to reflect on the power of anime as an art form that can resonate deeply with human emotions. Many have expressed gratitude for anime's ability to offer stories that can inspire, motivate, and comfort those going through difficult times in their lives.

  • « A Place Further than the Universe . It is written for people who feel stuck in almost every aspect of life, and offers some ideas on how to move forward. Without romanticism, with a positive message and a good comedy. You'll cry a little, but you'll feel better afterwards. Overall, it's cathartic. Plus, r/anime's AOTY for 2018 and a New York Times Top International Show for the same year. It also won Japan's anime award for best script that year ."

  • « Grand Blue , KonoSuba! and Saiki K , what good laughs I had with those series .

  • «El género iyashikei, Non Non BiyoriIs the Order a Rabbit?Laid-Back CampGirls Last TourGirls und Panzer».
  • Intent to freeze ."

  • « I have heard that Sousou no Frieren can be healing to see. I will definitely add that to my thank you list .

  • « Aria: the Animation . It's like floating on a peaceful gondola ride. Plus, there are cats. No stress, no anguish, no worries .
    The Lion of Sangatsu ".

  • It depends on whether you want to heal through the suffering with romantic comedies, laugh through it with the comedy, cathartic revenge story, or want to focus on some fantastical action or escapism ."

  • Gintama , a few good laughs and for a long time I couldn't think of anything else except Strawberry Milk ."

  • «The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya».

  • I'm not sure it works with breakups, but a very underrated series called Princess Principal is very different and my favorite steampunk anime ."

  • «Hi-Score Girl».

  • Sing Yesterday for Me , I have no doubt ."

  • « “ How Heavy Are the Dumbbells You Lift? “. It's time to go to the gym, lifting heavy things makes the sad voices disappear .

  • « Bungo Stray Dogs . A lot of handsome and dynamic guys to forget about him for a while .

  • « Great Teacher Onizuka . Great comedy anime that also teaches a lot about getting through difficult times. It's also quite long and will certainly keep you entertained for a while at least .'

  • « Vivy: Fluorite Eye's Song is good to watch. Probably one of the best original anime out there. Top 5 best soundtracks, top 10 best fights when it comes to martial arts and no type of powerscaling. The premise of the series is so that Vivy can let the world hear her sing. Steins;Gate is another good one if you're interested in space-time stuff. The last one would be The Apothecary Diaries . That show and Sousou no Frieren basically brought winter to me ."

  • «Your Lie in April».

  • It's not about breakups, but Romantic Killer is fun ."

  • « School Days . The only romance anime where the damned get what they deserve .

  • « Welcome to the NHK! It's great, also for people who are stuck in their life .

  • «My Roommate is a Cat».

  • « Watch Miss Shachiku and the Little Baby Ghost . It's cute, a healing anime .

  • Kamisama Kiss , without a doubt ."

  • « I'm really enjoying Delicious in Dungeon on Netflix. It is light-hearted, fun and with some drama. I saw Haikyuu!! like 3 times after ending a 7-year relationship and that drove the demons away a little… but if you've already seen it, maybe you'll give it a pass .

  • « If you want to wallow in the despair of your breakup, “ My Stepmom's Daughter Is My Ex ” was pretty good. If your heart needs healing, “ Fruits Basket ” ».

  • « Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid for something incredibly cute ».

  • « I recommend Minami-ke . Take your time to feel better .

  • « Carnival Phantasm . Nichijou . Azumanga Daioh to name a few with laughter. Castlevania. Mob Psycho 100. Demon Slayer. Hellsing Ultimate for the action. Honey & Clover. Frieren. Angel Beats. For the feelings ».

  • « Change your daily routines for a few weeks. If you can, take a trip. A different place to get coffee, a different route to work, make it all new. New anime is fine, but better try games, although definitely choose something very different .

  • « Go for Berserk . Fight fire with fire. A trauma can only be defeated by a greater trauma. Don't go gently into the good night, go with paralyzing despair .

  • « A friend recommended Re:LIFE to me when I wasn't really into anime, but it ended up being my favorite anime to this day. A very uplifting redemption story about a twenty-something NEET who gets a second chance at life. It's relatively short (13 episodes + 4 OVA episodes), but it also has one of the best anime endings in my opinion ."

  • « Yuri!!! on ICE helped me get over my breakup! I've also been loving some of the cozier food anime lately, like Campfire Cooking in Another World or Delicious in the Dungeon .'

  • One Punch Man and Vinland Saga are two good non-romantic plots for different reasons ."

  • « Anohana , you will smile, you will cry and you will be glad you saw it .»

  • « Re:ZERO is solid, it's good to immerse yourself in the characters and forget about real life. If you like the sports anime Run With the Wind it's the best one I've seen, and it's not very mainstream, so it's probably new for you .

  • « Yamada-kun to Lv999 no Koi wo Suru is a silly romance and is about a breakup. I think it's also a good anime to get over a breakup. And of course, there is no better anime to watch after a breakup than Nana .

  • « I'm sorry for you, you can do a One Piece marathon and forget everything .»

  • « What do you think of Rendering Summertime to get you hooked on mysteries? ».

  • « Do you want a healthy romance and maybe a few tears? Spice and Wolf 2008 , Banished from the Hero's Party , Recovery of an MMO Junkie . "It can help you realize that there is always something more out there that we didn't expect ."

  • « Maybe Komi Can't Communicate . Maison Ikkoku if you feel you can take something seriously ».

  • « Anime series about food are the best thing after a breakup. They will make you forget for a long time, to the point that your mind will focus mainly on how to remake those incredibly delicious and appetizing dishes. If, for some reason, you've already seen quite a few in the past, stick to the ones you haven't seen yet. I can't recommend anything if you haven't made a list of what you've seen before .

  • « If you don't mind intimate anime, look for Scum's Wish on Netflix. The situation may not match yours, but the interactions and ending can help you go through this path more easily. I hope you can regain your strength soon . »

Source: Reddit

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