Fujoshi shouldn't have boyfriends, they say



As we have already mentioned in previous articles, Hatelabo: Anomymous Diary is a Japanese site where Internet users can share opinions and open debates completely anonymously. Contrary to other social networks like Twitter and Facebook, this site works in an extremely primitive way, so someone simply posts their thoughts and waits for someone to respond.


It is precisely from this site where the most radical opinions have come from within the community of anime fans in Japan, and recently it was no exception. A new viral opinion stood out for stating that “fujoshi should not have a boyfriend” and that “any woman who has a boyfriend should not consider herself a fujoshi.”

Let us remember that “fujoshi” is a Japanese term to refer to those women who are fans of yaoi (homosexual relationships). Strictly it is a pejorative term, since it translates as “rotten woman.” But why couldn't they have a partner? Let's review the opinion of this fujoshi:

  • « What the hell happens to women who are in love and married in real life, even if they are fujoshi? Doesn't just because you like Boys' Love/Yaoi mean you dislike what is considered "normal" in the world? I'm not even remotely interested in real men, on the contrary, I hate them. Real men are hairy and dirty. They are rude, loud, scary and really harmful to women.

  • I also hate the trend in the world where it is considered normal for a man and a woman to be a couple. First of all, love is only a loss for women, there is no benefit. The woman has to endure the fear of pregnancy, the man gets the benefit of seeing his sexual desire satisfied, the woman has to spend money on makeup and clothes for the man while the man does not have to spend as much, and yet the salary average is lower for women, and the number of worthless men who are reluctant to even buy a meal is increasing, and in today's world I don't think it's worth it for men and women to be in love.

  • Of course, I know that this kind of thinking is considered abnormal in the world. But isn't the fujoshi community the place where we can sympathize with each other instead of being blamed for this abnormal thinking? With Boys' Love/Yaoi, you don't have to focus on the creepiness of real romances. You can create your own ideal world of the type of love you like as much as you want. Isn't that why people become fujoshi and enjoy Boys' Love/Yaoi, so they can enjoy their ideal romance without being bothered by real men?

  • I read somewhere that a fujoshi introduced her boyfriend as a sales consultant, but I really can't believe it. I don't think fujoshi who have boyfriends, husbands, or enjoy real relationships are really fujoshi. Honestly, I think they should retire from being fujoshi and start doing NL (heterosexual love) things.

  • I've always thought that today's female otaku call themselves fujoshi in the fashion sense, but it's a relief to know that male otaku are fujoshi too. Otaku hobbies were the “salvation” for people like me, but it horrifies me that people who have other ways of life than otaku hobbies enter our kingdom with a sense of fashion. Please, if you have a boyfriend, don't call yourself fujoshi.

And of course, this peculiar statement did not go unnoticed:

  • « Come to think of it, lesbian porn has been quite popular in recent years .»

  • « I could understand it if you say that you were dumped and it bothers you to see people with boyfriends, but a fujoshi? ».

  • Wow, you really have a pathetic life ."

  • « About 30 years ago the term “fujoshi” was quite common, and even girls who enjoyed gay love by having a boyfriend were not seen as bad. However, today there is a lot of classism within anime communities .

  • « I don't understand the feeling. However, the terms “otaku” and “fujoshi” have come into common use in today's world. This means that no one really judges you for being “it” anymore. The sad thing is that now discrimination comes from within .

  • « Aren't you confusing fujoshi with ardida? ».

  • I won't deny that there are many fujoshi who hate real men, but there are also many fujoshi who love them, and it is not uncommon for them to get involved in a heterosexual relationship ."

  • « I don't understand the point, so fujoshi can only have another fujoshi as a partner? Or how it works? ».

Source: Yaraon!

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