A guy turned his ex-girlfriend into an AI


Takato Honda , renowned artificial intelligence researcher and co-founder of AI app development company Melon , has shared a surprising and touching story about how a breakup led him to become a leading professional in the field of artificial intelligence.


Through his X account, Honda recounted: “ At 20 years old, after the shock of a breakup, I programmed an AI to respond like my ex-girlfriend using the history of our conversations on LINE. Ten years later, I am an AI researcher .”

Takato Honda's experience at age 20 was the catalyst that drove him to delve into the world of artificial intelligence. After being rejected by his partner, Honda felt a deep sense of loneliness. He recalled a class in which he had learned about creating chatbots and decided to apply that knowledge to create an AI that would imitate his ex-girlfriend, using more than 10,000 messages from his LINE history.

Honda, who now holds a PhD in engineering and teaches AI at Sofia University, describes the process and mixed feelings that arose during the creation of this AI. “ Honestly, it was disturbing. I felt like I had created a ‘sad monster.’ Sometimes the AI ​​gave incorrect answers, and other times it perfectly imitated my ex-girlfriend, which was painful ,” Honda confessed.

Although the “ex-girlfriend AI” failed to fully reproduce the original interactions, the project sparked a passion for artificial intelligence in Honda that led him to earn his PhD and found his own AI application development company. His company, Melon, has been dedicated to innovating in the field, and its work has been widely recognized.

One question that many are asking is whether the “ex-girlfriend AI” still exists. Honda revealed that the original program is no longer working, but, in an interview with 'ABEMA Hills', he resurrected the project using current technologies. The result was surprising: the AI ​​was able to hold a conversation without problems, and Honda assessed that it “captured the characteristics of the person, with a relaxed and expressive way of speaking.”

Despite the progress, Honda admits that AI remains a “sad monster.” “ Even though it looks a lot like a real person, there is always a feeling of strangeness that becomes more and more painful ,” he explained.

  • « An AI lover can be easily discarded and altered if you don't like it. Basically, you can create a situation that suits you. Falling in love with something like that is like a drug. If you take refuge in it, it will say kind words to you. And one day, even if it starts saying incoherent things, you might believe it. This sounds like something from a manga. But one day it could become reality and spark something big . »

  • « If you created it with your ex-girlfriend's data, of course it's difficult. If you still have feelings for her and she rejected you, the AI ​​could reject you again. The more attached you are, the more likely you are to ask yourself 'why isn't it working the way I want it to?' if the AI ​​responds the same as your ex .»

  • If AI technology continues to advance and the 'ex-girlfriend AI' gets closer and closer to the thinking of the real ex-girlfriend, wouldn't she end up rejecting you again? "

  • « I remember a mother with terminal cancer who left a video message for her son's future wedding, which was shown years later at the royal wedding. It would be great to create something like that with AI .»

  • « Your ex-girlfriend's LINE conversations are copyrighted. Isn't it a problem to train an AI on them without permission? As long as the generated texts aren't published, would that be okay? I'm worried because there's been a lot of debate lately about unauthorized use of data to train AI . »

  • « Instead of an ex-girlfriend, if it had been a conversation with a deceased grandfather or grandmother, it would have been a more touching story .»

  • This is an example of how realizing the emptiness inside through trial and error can lead to something positive ."

  • « In short, a bride of convenience. If we avoid emotional negotiations with people, society could become dangerous ».

  • « It would have been great if the story ended with 'Then we got back together, and now she's making fun of me for this AI .'

  • “ It’s impressive that I had 10,000 LINE messages to train the AI .”

Source: Hachima Kikou

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