Black Lagoon author battles depression



Rei Hiroe , the talented creator of the popular manga franchise “ BLACK LAGOON ,” has recently shared a series of disturbing posts on his Twitter account , revealing his personal struggles with mental health and the impact it has had on his work. His comments have sparked a great deal of concern among his fans and the manga community at large.

In one of his tweets, Hiroe wrote:

  • « The tweet that says 'You'll lose 10 years if you suffer from depression' is spreading, and it's true. It's taken me four years to get a single volume out, working on an irregular serialization without really being able to recover. I still panic when deadlines are tight, so I need a lot of leeway to be able to write. As a serialized manga author, I haven't been able to recover half of my work capacity, so really be careful .»


In another post, he added:

  • « Still, it was good that I was at least able to maintain my desire to create (I'm the type who can't move my hands when I'm trying to work). Some people get to a point where they can't even think, and when that happens, they can only sleep all day. I was close to reaching that point .»


These statements reveal the degree of difficulty Hiroe has faced due to depression , a problem that has seriously affected his ability to work regularly and meet the demanding deadlines of the manga world. His testimony underlines the seriousness of the situation and the need to address mental health with the seriousness it deserves.

The “BLACK LAGOON” franchise is known for its intense action and complex characters, which has earned it a loyal fan base since its debut. However, Hiroe’s struggle with depression has resulted in long periods of inactivity and delays in the publication of new volumes, something he himself has pointed out as a direct consequence of his mental state.

Hiroe's honesty in sharing his personal struggles has also opened up an important dialogue about mental health in the manga industry , a profession known for its extreme demands and grueling work pace.

  • « Health comes first, so please don't push yourself too hard, Hiroe-sensei, and work at your own pace. And I really think that a work that doesn't lose its luster over the years is amazing .»

  • « No, really, thank you very much for your effort. Please don't overexert yourself. We will wait patiently ».

  • « Even if you stop taking medication, it takes a few years to get back up to speed. And even if you do recover, you will never reach the peak of your former ability. The longer you take medication, the longer it will take to recover .»

  • « Depression is tough, isn’t it? (I’ve experienced remission and relapse several times.) For Hiroe-san, the irregular and forced serialization without proper recovery is probably the reason why he can’t achieve remission… Really, thank you very much for your effort. It’s okay for you to work at your own pace. Please don’t push yourself too hard. »

  • « I am in my tenth year… I used to work in the food industry, but at least in the old sense of the word, going back to the old working life is impossible. All that remains is to earn money in my own way and with a new approach .»

Source: Hachima Kikou

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