The guy who threatened Nintendo is sentenced to prison



In a recent ruling by the Kyoto District Court, a 27-year-old municipal employee from the city of Hitachi, Ibaraki Prefecture, was sentenced to one year in prison, with a four-year suspended sentence , for sending threats to Nintendo . The incident, which occurred between August 22 and November 29 of last year, forced the company to cancel a video game event.


The defendant, who faces charges of obstruction of business, sent a total of 39 threatening messages through the contact form on Nintendo's official website . Among the threats were phrases such as “ I will make you regret releasing that shitty game to the world ” and “ I will kill everyone involved.” “You better be careful at events with an audience .”

During the trial, a statement from a Nintendo employee was read that described the impact of the threats, mentioning that they were reminded of the tragic arson at Kyoto Animation , which sparked fear among staff.

The judge, in handing down the sentence, called the defendant's actions “selfish” and “malicious,” noting that the individual acted out of frustration due to problems with the online gameplay of a video game . Although the sentence imposed was one year in prison, it will be suspended for four years, which means that the defendant will not go to prison unless he commits another crime during that period.

But of course, there was no shortage of comments:

  • At this age, Nintendo fans are usually immature people like this guy ."

  • Before this was seen more often, but now they arrest you for it ."

  • « The real 'shit game' is his life... ».

  • « Does Hitachi City really employ such incredibly stupid people? ».

  • For casual gamers like me, these types of people make it difficult to enjoy games ."

  • « It is true that the anger when encountering a terrible game is immense. They should be prepared to receive this type of reaction .

  • « If you are bad at a game, don't blame the game or others. If it bothers you, don't play online .

  • You shouldn't have given a suspended sentence to someone like him ."

  • « Those who cannot control themselves should not play online .»

Source: HachimaKikou

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