Death Stranding game could have anime



In a recent interview, Hideo Kojima, the legendary director behind the popular video game “ Death Stranding ,” hinted at the possibility that his creation could expand into the world of anime . Kojima mentioned that his current goal is to “strengthen the intellectual properties” he has developed as an independent studio, and that to do so, he plans to explore new forms of media beyond video games, including movies, anime, and television series.


In his own words, Kojima commented that after having established “Death Stranding” as an IP in the world of video games, the second phase of his plan is to expand it to different global platforms and then explore other media. This includes the creation of content in formats such as movies and anime, which opens the door to a possible animated adaptation of this title.

Originally released in 2019, Death Stranding has become a critically acclaimed game, praised by both critics and gamers alike for its innovative gameplay, narrative, and stunning visuals. With a cast of Hollywood A-listers including Norman Reedus and Mads Mikkelsen, Kojima has proven his ability to merge the worlds of film and video games. Now, with his focus on expanding this fusion into other media, fans are beginning to speculate on what an animated version of the story would look like.

While Kojima did not explicitly confirm the production of an anime based on “Death Stranding,” his statements suggest that the expansion of this IP is a fundamental part of his future projects. The possibility of seeing Sam Porter Bridges in animated format has generated great expectations among fans of the franchise, who are attentive to any official announcement that may arise in the coming months.


For now, the director is still working on the sequel to “Death Stranding,” as well as other experimental projects. However, the idea that Kojima Productions could delve into the world of anime is already a cause of excitement and speculation in the community of gamers and fans of the studio.

Source: Variety

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