Director Hideaki Anno celebrated his 60th birthday


Photographs of the renowned director Hideaki Anno wearing a red hat and a T-shirt with the logo of "Ultraman 60", in celebration of his sixtieth birthday, were published on the official Studio Khara Twitter account and that of Moyoko Anno. The renowned director was born on May 22, 1960.
In Japan, the sixtieth birthday is known as “Kanreki,” and it is celebrated by wearing red clothing such as a cap and vest, for example. According to his wife's post, both the hood and the shirt were given to him by Studio Khara staff. The director mentioned: "I will do my best even if I am already 60 years old."
Hideaki Anno has been working on the film: Evangelion: 3.0 + 1.0 Thrice Upon a Time, which was slated to premiere on June 27 in theaters in Japan but, like many other productions, was delayed its release undefined due to the COVID-19 pandemic. After the film is completed, the director will work on the Shin Ultraman production, directed by Shinji Higuchi.

© Studio Khara

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