It was announced that the Koyoharu Gotouge manga Kimetsu no Yaiba will have a new spin-off titled Kyojuro Rengoku: Gaiden. This spin-off will be drawn by Hirano Ryouji, who also drew the spin-off Giyu Tomioka: Gaiden.
The spin-off will be published in Shueisha Publishing Weekly Shonen Jump magazine at a later date. For his part, Gotouge began publishing the manga in Shueisha's Weekly Shonen Jump magazine in February 2016. The publisher will publish the 20th compilation volume on May 13. In addition, the work will end in chapter # 205.
The play inspired a 26-episode anime adaptation released in April 2019, and produced by Ufotable Studios. Additionally, the film Kimetsu no Yaiba: Mugen Ressha-hen is confirmed, which will adapt the "Arc of the Infinite Train" and will be released on October 16.
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