Parasyte: The Maxim is now available on Netflix

The animated adaptation of the Kiseijuu manga also known as Parasyte: The Maxim, a work written and illustrated by Hitoshi Iwaaki, is now available on the Netflix platform as part of the new anime titles that enter its platform. The series is offered with the option of viewing it in its original language (Japanese) with subtitles in Spanish or English. It can also be enjoyed with dubbing into Latin Spanish or English. You can access the title in the following link,

Kiseijuu or Parasyte: the Maxim is a science fiction seinen with hints of humor written and drawn by Hitoshi Iwaaki. The manga was published in Kodansha Aftermoon magazine from 1988 to 1995 in a total of 10 compilation volumes. This original Iwaaki story has served as inspiration for a live-action film adaptation and also for an animated version by Madhouse Studios.

Synopsis for Parasyte: the Maxim

Shinichi (Shota Sometani) is an ordinary boy who lives with his parents in a quiet neighborhood in Tokyo. One night some worms from space called Kiseijuus arrive on Earth, whose plan is to enter humans through the ears to control the brain and thus dominate the world. While Shinichi sleeps, a Kiseijuu tries to enter his body, but having fallen asleep with the headphones on, he does so through his right hand.

The process is interrupted and the alien is trapped only being able to control Shinichi's right hand. From that moment, an adolescent and alien, who will adopt the name of Migi, are forced to live together in the same body. Meanwhile, in the rest of the world, the Parasites continue their conquest, leaving Shinichi and Migi as a strange couple that does not fit on either side at war.

(c) 岩 明 均 / 講 談 社 ・ VAP ・ NTV ・ 4cast

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