An otaku father discovers that his son is not ashamed of him


Japanese Twitter user Take World 12 (@ ta_shi12) owns a collection of figures from the immense One Piece franchise. In fact, this is not unusual, as it is one of the most popular manga and anime franchises in Japan, and even so, @ ta_shi12's collection is nowhere near the largest in the otaku world.

So what is it that makes it special? Well, for starters, "Take World 12" doesn't save the figures in their boring original packaging, but instead opens and organizes them into beautifully designed scenes, regularly taking pictures of them and sharing them through their social media.

They install

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Then there is the size of your collection, which is so large that it takes up an entire room in your home, and even requires a couple of extra racks hanging from the ceiling.

“Take World 12” is not just a One Piece fan, he's also a parent, and recently began to think that perhaps his children are ashamed of him for being a large-scale otaku.

But to the surprise of “Take World 12”, he recently discovered that, instead of hiding his passion from his friends, his son cheerfully presumes that his father collects all of this, and he discovered it when he saw that his son shares the photographs he uploads in his social networks.

Confused, "Take World 12" commented in one of his publications: "Are you not ashamed that people know that your father is an otaku?". To which the boy replied: "Once your father reaches a certain extreme level of being an otaku, it becomes more of something to brag about, don't you think?"

"Thank you," replied "Take World 12," surely in tears at her son's response on Twitter, as he continued to explain more about his collection. It turns out that "Take World 12" is practically blind in one eye, which is why his family members have repeatedly expressed their surprise when they see how perfectly placed the representations that the user makes with the figures, and it turns out that his children help him sometimes.

The now family project seems to have created a special bond between them, and “Take World 12” deeply thanked their children for their support. "Mentally, I am the same age as them," he commented, "but I hope you all continue to see the photographs in my collection."

Source: Twitter

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