Anime is the most exported audiovisual content in Japan

The Ministry of Communications and Internal Affairs of Japan launched the “Analysis of the Expansion of Multimedia Content Abroad 2018” on June 2. In the report, the value of audiovisual content exported in fiscal year 2018 was 51.94 billion yen (about $ 474 million), representing an increase of 16.% from the previous year.

Internet streaming made up the majority of the profit market with 33.5%, followed by distribution rights that occupied 31.8%, transmission rights with 23.3%, remake rights with 8.1%, video distribution rights and DVD with 2.0%, and other income with 1.3%

All categories had been present in previous years except DVD and video distribution rights, however streaming rights highlighted an 8.5-fold increase from their 2013 amount. This category now totals 17.39 billion yen ( about 158 ​​million dollars).

Anime is the dominant genre in both exported streaming content and program rights sales, comprising 81.1% and 82.6% of revenue, respectively.

Regarding export regions, Asia dominates in exported content with 50.5%, followed by North America with 30.2%, Europe with 11.0%, and others with 4.5%. Asia, similarly, dominates distribution rights with 61.0%, followed by North America with 23.6%, Europe with 6.8% and others with 4.0%.

Sources: Ministry of Internal Affairs reportAnimation Business Journal 

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