It was announced that the manga written and illustrated by Nanashi, Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san will inspire an anime adaptation. Production details and release date will be revealed soon.
The manga is slated for "a major announcement" for this year's # 32 issue of Kodansha's Weekly Shonen Magazine, which will go on sale in Japan on July 8.
For his part, Nanashi has published the manga on the Pixiv website and on Kodansha's Magazine Pocket platform since November 2017. The publisher published the seventh compilation volume on March 9, and will publish the eighth compilation volume on 9 March. July, with a special edition featuring a booklet entitled "Motto Shiritai Nagatoro-san!", which will include details on the main character.
Synopsis for Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san
When an introverted high school student met a girl named Nagatoro, his life fell apart. First, she carefully watched his reaction to the verbal abuse he received from other malicious girls, realizing that he actually appears to be what he needs, so she starts teasing him as well. It will soon become increasingly obvious (to the reader, not to the character) that Nagatoro's taunts are not malicious, but in fact quite flirtatious and show slight romantic interest.
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