On the official Twitter account of the Magazine Pocket platform of the Kodansha publisher, it was announced that Reiji Miyajima will begin the publication of a spin-off manga titled Kanojo, Hitomishirimasu. This manga will be a spin-off of the Kanojo manga, Okarishimasu, and will star Sumi Sakurasawa, while describing the complications of his daily life due to his communication problem. Miyajima will begin serialization on the aforementioned platform on June 21.
🌼主役は #墨ちゃん !!ドジっ子彼女の日常奮闘記♡— 講談社 マガジンポケット(マガポケ)公式@6月9日オリジナル単行本発売! (@magapoke) June 13, 2020
『 #彼女人見知ります 』
宮島礼吏 ( @Miyajimareiji )自らが描く、“コミュ障彼女”の“障害だらけ”日常奮闘『 #彼女お借りします 』スピンオフ、ドキドキの開幕♡
👉詳しくは #マガポケ アプリでチェック!! pic.twitter.com/Wea1WUXvxm
For his part, Miyajima began publishing the manga in Kodansha's Weekly Shonen Magazine in July 2017. The publisher published the twelfth compilation volume on October 17. The play is inspiring an anime adaptation produced by TMS Entertainment studios, directed by Kazuomi Koga and scripts written by Mitsutaka Hirota, slated to premiere on July 10.
Source: Official Twitter Account
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