An official video game site based on the manga series written by Kaiu Shirai and illustrated by Posuka Demizu, Yakusoku no Neverland (aka The Promised Neverland) was launched. The game does not yet have a title and will not be related to the main story. On the same site the design sketches of the main characters were revealed.
Radi, the protagonist, a young adventurer whose objective is to climb the tower and discover what's at the top. He has always lived collecting garbage and selling it, but he is convinced that his encounter with Den will change his life.
Mailey, the receptionist for the adventurer's guild, and who works with the guide in the tower. She is a kind and happy person, and everyone in the guild loves to come back from their adventures and watch her smile.
Den, a small robot that will guide the protagonist through his adventure through the tower. He actually comes from the top, but he fell and his memory was damaged. He doesn't remember much, but he knows the route to get Radi to the top.
About Yakusoku no Neverland
Shirai and Demizu began publishing the manga in Shueisha's Weekly Shonen Jump magazine in August 2016, and the series entered its final arc since September 2018. In August 2019, it was announced that the manga had entered its plot climax. The publisher published the eighteenth compilation volume on March 4 and the manga will end this month.
The play inspired an anime adaptation released in January 2019. A live-action film with slight plot modifications will be released on December 18. A second season of the anime was confirmed to premiere in October 2020, but due to Japan's current health situation, it will now be released in January 2021.
Source: Official Site
© 白 井 カ イ ウ ・ 出水 ぽ す か / 集 英 社 SHUEISHA