The final chapter of the manga written by Yuuichirou Momose and illustrated by Rui Karasuzuki, Hypnosis Mic: Before the Battle - The Dirty Dawg was published in this year's eighth edition of Shonen Magazine Edge by Kodansha.
The manga had already entered the climax of its main storyline in June this year. For their part, Momose and Karasuzuki began publishing the manga in Shonen Magazine Edge in December 2018. The publisher published the third compilation volume on April 17.
For its part, the Hypnosis Mic franchise is a musical project based on the rap genre that features voice actors who play rappers and original characters, and was launched in September 2017. The group achieved recognition as the actors account. Most popular voice song on Twitter in Japan in 2018. Additionally, the project also includes other manga, a game for smartphones, plays and live events.
The franchise is also inspiring an anime titled Hypnosis Mic -Division Rap Battle- Thyme Anima, scheduled for release this month, but it was postponed until October due to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on production.
© EVIL LINE RECORDS (原著), 鴉 月 ル イ (著) / KODANSHA 講 談 社
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