In this year's combined issue 33-34 of Shueisha's Weekly Young Jump magazine, it was reported that the manga series written and illustrated by Yasuhisa Hara, Kingdom, will go on hiatus from one issue, resuming on June 6. August.
The manga had returned from a break of three editions on June 4, since the author used that time to plan the next arc. For his part, Hara began publishing the manga in Shueisha magazine's Weekly Young Jump magazine in 2006. The publisher published the fifty-eighth compilation volume on June 19.
The work inspired an adaptation to the anime released in 2012, followed by a second season in 2013. Finally, the third season premiered on April 5, but announced the indefinite suspension of new episodes from the fifth due to the spread of the new coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Japan.
Additionally, the manga also inspired a live-action film directed by Shinsuke Satou, and which was released in theaters in Japan in April 2019.
Kingdom synopsis
During the period of the "Warring Kingdoms" in Ancient China (421-221 BC), Shin and Hyou are orphans of war in the kingdom of Qin. They dream of one day trying on the battlefield.
However, one day Hyou is brought to the palace by a minister. Ending up on the losing side of a power struggle, Hyou manages to return to his village, barely alive. Shin, for his part, meets a boy very similar to Hyou, named Ei Sei, who, for now, is the king of Qin, and who in the future will become Emperor Shi Huangdi.
© 原 泰 久 / 集 英 社
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