The manga written by Takahiro and illustrated by Youhei Takemura, Mato Seihei no Slave, was reported to have surpassed the 300,000 copies in circulation accumulated in its five volumes.
Takahiro and Takemura began publishing the manga digitally on the Shueisha publisher's Shonen Jump Plus website in January 2019. The publisher published the fourth compilation volume on March 4, and the fifth volume on July 3.
Synopsis for Mato Seihei no Slave
When entrances to a different dimension known as "Mato" emerge around Japan, a new resource known as "Peaches" is discovered, and one that empowers women only. However, dangerous monsters known as "Yomotsu Shuuki" also roam the Mato and have been responsible for multiple disasters since then. To combat them, the government has created the Anti-Demon Corps, a group of elite women who have received powers from the Peaches.
One day, a high school student named Yuuki Wakura was walking to case when he suddenly gets lost inside an entrance to Mato. When he asks for help he is immediately rescued by Kyouka Uzen, the captain of the Seventh Unit of the Anti-Demon Corps. Recognizing her potential and knowing that she needs it to make the Peach effect stronger in her, she asks Yuuki to join her team as a slave, a position that, in fact, is not as bad as it sounds ...
© タ カ ヒ ロ • 竹村 洋 平 / 株式会社 集 英 社 SHUEISHA
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