In this year's ninth issue of Kadokawa publisher's Monthly Dragon Age magazine, it was revealed that Youichi Nishio will begin publishing a manga adaptation of the light novels written by Ayano and illustrated by Waon Inu, Isekai Yurutto Survival Seikatsu.
Serialization will begin in the next issue of the magazine, which will be released on September 9. For his part, Ayano began publishing the light novels with illustrations by Waon Inu through the Ichi Ni San Shobo publishing house on March 28.
Synopsis of Isekai Yurutto Survival Seikatsu
The story centers on Hokage Shinomiya, a high school boy who dreams of living on a desert island. He and some companions are inexplicably transported to a mysterious island in another world. Without electricity, gas, or water distribution systems, it will be Hokage's survival skills that will put him in the position of group leader.
Source: Monthly Dragon Age September issue and website
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