During the program “Say You (Seiyuu) to Yo Asobi” the production of a new original anime titled Taiso Samurai was announced. This production is carried out by MAPPA studios.
The series has its premiere scheduled for October 10 through the NUMAnimation television block of the television station TV Asahi. Previously, the studio had already confirmed the production of an original anime, but it was not until today that it confirmed the details.2020 年 10 月10 日(土)放送開始のTVアニメ「体操ザムライ」の解禁PVが公開されました!— TVアニメ「体操ザムライ」公式 (@taiso_samurai) August 13, 2020
公式サイトはこちらhttps://t.co/8vVVw827Ye#体操ザムライ pic.twitter.com/HXvtbXAwQI
Source: Comic Natalie
(c) 「体操 ザ ム ラ イ」 製作 委員会