Bandai Namco Pictures opened a production studio in Iwaki City in October 2019 with the intention of learning about new ways of working, and has since delivered many projects from there. Because of this connection, the company decided to produce this character to promote the charm of the city and the prefecture.
For her part, Hiwa Natsunagi is a 19-year-old girl native and resident of the city of Iwaki. She is the newest hire at the Hawaiian resort and is fighting to become a member of the Hawaiian dance club. She has already opened her official Twitter account to regularly post information about the city and the prefecture from her perspective. Also, you will share your daily struggles as a novice hula dancer and some trivia about this activity.
In her first post, Hiwa Natsunagi wrote: “I am Natsunagi Hiwa, the new girl at the Hawaiians Spa Resort, and I am working very hard to join the hula dance team. I love Coco Ne-san (the shop's mascot). As the Iwaki City Advocacy Support Member, I will post information about Fukushima City and the Prefecture as well as hula dance trivia starting on September 1st. "
Source: Official Twitter Accountスパリゾート ハワイアンズの新人フラガール・夏凪日羽(なつなぎ・ひわ)です✨ハワイアンズダンシングチームでデビューを目指して、日々奮闘中です❗️CoCoネェさんが大好きです。いわき市観光応援キャラクターとして9月1日から、いわき市や福島県の情報、フラの魅力を発信していきます😁 #ひわだより— 夏凪日羽(Natsunagi Hiwa) (@_hiwa0723_) August 31, 2020
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