On the official Twitter account for the manga written and illustrated by Kanan Minami, Awa Koi, it was announced that the work ended on September 4, in this year's 37th issue of digital magazine & Flower.
Shogakukan publisher's Sho-Comi magazine had already announced in July 2018 that Minami would put the manga on an extended hiatus, and that he would return to serialization once his health improved. The play resumed in Digital & Flower magazine in December 2019, where it began with its final arc.
For his part, Minami began publishing the manga in Shogakukan publisher's Sho-Comi magazine in 2016, and the publisher published the fourth compiled volume in February 2019.
Synopsis of Awa Koi
The story centers on Yuuka, a high school student girl who wants to fall in love but chooses a boy who has no interest in her. In middle school, she became devoted to her club activities, but upon entering high school she decided that she definitely had to have a boyfriend at that time in her life. Yuuka knows that Kentarou is the most difficult option, but that only makes the challenge more interesting.
Sources: Kanan Minami's Twitter account, &Flower
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