Different Twitter accounts shared the opening sequence of the anime Dr. Stone: Stone Wars, the second season of the animated adaptation of the manga written by Riichiro Inagaki and illustrated by Boichi, Dr. Stone. The sequence features the song "Paradise" performed by the band Fujifabric and in this episode was presented at the closing.
Opening animated sequence of the anime "Dr. Stone: Stone Wars" (second season), which features the song "Rakuen" performed by the band Fujifabric. pic.twitter.com/ahunFoVe0P
— 🏴☠️☢☣Nuit Etoile News🌏💞👁👹 (@Leetoile3000) January 14, 2021
This second season has been on air in Japan since January 14, while the Crunchyroll platform distributes it in Latin America. For their part, Inagaki and Boichi began publishing the manga in Shueisha's Weekly Shonen Jump magazine in March 2017. The work reported at the beginning of this year to have surpassed the 8.4 million copies in circulation.
Synopsis of Dr. Stone
One fateful day, all of humanity was petrified by a blinding flash of light. After several millennia, the Taiju high school student wakes up and finds himself lost in a world of statues. But he is not alone; his friend, a lover of science, has been working for some months and has a great plan in mind: to set civilization in motion with the power of science!