Super Cub has effectively increased interest in Japan for scooters


 The Japanese portal J-CAST published an article pointing out a relationship between the animated adaptation of the Super Cub light novels and a possible effect on the increase in sales of Honda's Super Cub line of scooters .

« The anime“ Super Cub ”debuted on television on April 7, inspired by the light novels of the same name. The slogan of "The story of a friendship between a girl and the best scooter in the world " is just a summary of the story of a lonely girl who gets a used scooter from the Super Cub line. Honda, which makes this model, participated in the design of the vehicles . '

« Until May 26, eight of the twelve scheduled episodes have been broadcast, and according to an analysis of social media posts by Social Insight , the number of posts with the key terms“ Super Cub ”and“ Anime ” between April 7 and May 25 it was around 150,000 ».

“ Looking at the age ranges of those posts, those in their twenties got the most, with 49.9%, followed by people in their thirties (21.8%) and adolescents (17.8%). The most frequent words that accompanied these posts were “interesting”, “calm” and “good”, which are favorable impressions. However, the terms that attracted attention were 'buy' and 'want', which denote an increase in the intention to purchase the vehicle ».

« On April 24, an ordinary user posted on Twitter:“ For those influenced by the Super Cub anime who have already bought their scooter, they have probably already thought: 'If I'm riding my Cub, I can go anywhere.' But it really does feel like that. Suddenly I saw myself on a 2,000 kilometer journey around Kyushu . " Its publication attracted the attention and sympathy of the users, getting around 20,000 reactions ”.

Fountain. J-CAST

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