Fox News proposes to ban all porn on the internet


 The American media outlet Fox News recently became a trend after publishing an article proposing a massive ban on adult content on the internet, specifically pointing to " explicit content online ". The introductory paragraph explains, from the outset, that the main reason is “ to safeguard the integrity of children who surf the Internet ” :

  • The United States should try to ban explicit adult content on the Internet. The most obvious reason for doing so is that children are inundated with an avalanche of obscenity. In a 2019 study by the British Board of Film Classification we learned that 51% of 11-13 year olds had seen this type of content online. This means that tens of millions of very young children are viewing this explicit content because we as a society, frankly without much thought or discussion, have decided to allow it.

However, he also points out that “ the internet is not untouchable ” and adds that for some reason a lot of content is moderated except for adult content online ( at some level, since there are types of this content that are explicitly prohibited from viewing). public view ). The article adds:

  • We're told that banning adult content is impracticable, people will find a way around it, and of course that's true of all laws, we pass them anyway. Finally, we are told that this depends on the parents, as if the children did not go to libraries, or to schools, or have friends. We have learned that many do not want to co-participate with the State, but also see the need for the State to act to protect children.

And concludes:

  • If banning adult content on the Internet sounds like a radical idea, it is, but let me suggest that we have a radical problem on our hands, and if the delivery method that supplies our children with explicit content was something other than the Internet, we would have banned it. long time.

Of course, the comments did not take long to point out the fact that it is the parents who must be in charge of the education and moral formation of their children, and that if they have access to the Internet, they must maintain controls over their browsers, so least until they have their own criteria to identify what they are seeing on the screen. « Sure, parenting is very difficult. A good upbringing would solve many problems », commented one sarcastically.

« We should not talk about banning anything. Parents who are part of their children's lives can set an example and discipline when necessary. We need more parental responsibility, not outright bans ,” another commented. « Banning anything is dangerous. It's okay when something you don't like gets banned, but once it starts getting banned it's unstoppable, then things you care about start getting banned. Banning is a pandora's box ,” another explained, pointing out the dangers of decision-making power over banning something.

Fuente: Fox News

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