Dekoboko Majo no Oyako Jijou manga is getting an anime


 A press release reported that Piroya 's Dekoboko Majo no Oyako Jijou ( The Family Circumstances of the Unreliable Witch ) manga is getting an anime adaptation. The statement did not reveal production details or a scheduled release date, while the author shared a special illustration to celebrate the announcement, in addition to the cover of the fourth compilation volume, whose headband also confirmed the information.

Piroya began publishing the manga through Flex Comix 's Comic Meteor digital service in July 2018, while the publisher published the third compiled volume in November 2021, followed by the fourth on September 12 in Japan. On the other hand, Piroya has also participated in other compilations such as Fate/Grand Order Anthology Comic: The Next and Fate/Grand Order: Comic à la Carte , to name a few.

Sinopsis de Koboko Majo no Oyako Jijou

The story is a comedy gag about a witch whose appearance is reversed. Alyssa, a young-looking witch, picks up a human baby one day. Alyssa names the girl Viola and raises her, but 16 years later, Viola has grown into a woman of excellent proportions.

Fuente: Comic Natalie

(c) Piroya/COMIC Meteor (c) Flex Comics

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